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Everyone learn their own way of playing Gongs
I love to educate people who would like to connect with themselves and discover their abilities within sound experiences and sound healing.
6.900 danske kronerEnded
2.500 danske kronerEnded
2.600 danske kroner
Certified by Aiste Venskune, Vita de Lux ©
During the past decade I have held more than 1000+ Gong concerts, and every year also certified people as a Sound Therapy Practitioners. These people are now able to create beautiful sound experiences with Gongs and Singing Bowls and other alternative instruments. I work on an individual level with everyone in this education, and I draw upon my background in psychology, my experience in sound therapy events, and my work as Reiki and energy healer.
Feel free to contact me if you have an interest or are curious on the education.
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